Don't Trust Your Photos & Home Movies to a Public Link!

In today's digital age, it's easier than ever to share photos and home videos with friends and family. However, it's important to consider the security risks associated with sharing these memories through public links. While public links may seem like a convenient way to share content, they come with significant risks that could compromise your personal information. In this blog, we'll explore the risks associated with sharing photos and home movies through public links and offer alternatives to keep your memories secure.

The Risks of Public Links

Unintended Access

One of the biggest risks of sharing photos and home movies through public links is unintended access. Public links are accessible to anyone who has the link, which means that if the link falls into the wrong hands, your personal information could be compromised. In fact, a recent report found that nearly half of all data breaches are caused by human error, such as misconfigured public links.

Lack of Control

Another risk of public links is that you have little control over who can access the content. While some file-sharing services allow you to set passwords or expiration dates on public links, not all do. This means that once you share a public link, you have little control over who can access the content and for how long.

No Audit Trail

Finally, public links can make it difficult to track who has accessed your content. Unlike sharing content through a secure portal, public links don't provide an audit trail of who has accessed the content. This can make it difficult to track down who may have accessed the content if a breach does occur.


Alternatives to Public Links

So, if public links are so risky, what alternatives are there? Here are a few:

Private Sharing

One alternative to public links is to use private sharing options. Many file-sharing services allow you to share content with specific people or groups, rather than making it publicly available. This gives you more control over who can access the content and reduces the risk of unintended access.

Secure Portals

Another alternative is to use a secure portal to share content. Secure portals are often used in industries like healthcare or finance to share sensitive information. With a secure portal, you can control who has access to the content and track who has accessed it.

Personal Cloud Storage

If you're concerned about the security risks associated with public links, you may want to consider storing your photos and home movies on a personal cloud storage service. This gives you complete control over who can access the content and reduces the risk of data breaches.  Services such as Heirloom, OneDrive, and iCloud range at the top of this category for security, privacy and control over your photos and videos.

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