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As 2024 tropical storm “Debby” swept through the East Coast, many people faced significant disruptions. Winds and record rainfalls forced many businesses to close. However, I’m proud to say that Heirloom maintained 100% uptime throughout the ordeal, ensuring uninterrupted access to your cherished memories and critical data.

Safety First

The safety of our employees is always a top priority. As Debby approached, we swiftly implemented our flexible work schedule, allowing anyone on our team to work remotely. This ensured that everyone remained safe, even while answering customer telephone calls from across the USA. Our employees' option to adapt and maintain productivity during such challenging times is a testament to their dedication and the robust hybrid work infrastructure in place at Heirloom.

Digital Transformation Services

Despite the storm, our hardened facility in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina continued to operate seamlessly. We maintained our shipping and receiving services via UPS, ensuring that orders were processed and delivered without delay. This uninterrupted service was crucial in keeping our promise to you, our valued customers, and demonstrated the reliability of our digital transformation services.



Distributed Infrastructure

One of the key reasons we're able to maintain 100% uptime during Debby is Heirloom's distributed infrastructure. Our data centers are strategically located across multiple states in America, providing redundancy and failover capabilities. This means that even if one center is affected by adverse conditions, others can seamlessly take over, ensuring that your streaming services and data access remain unaffected. 

Are Your Memories Safe?

In light of recent events, I want to pose an important question: Are your memories safe? A fire, flood, or storm can easily ruin priceless memories stored on outdated media formats, like your wedding video on a VHS tape. Heirloom understands the irreplaceable value of these memories, and we're dedicated to helping you preserve them digitally. Use our digitizing services to ensure that your precious photos, video, and documents are safely stored and easily accessible, no matter what storm life throws your way.

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