NAICS Code 518210-15: Data Capture Imaging Services

In the world of business and industry classification, NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) codes play a pivotal role in categorizing and organizing various sectors of the economy. These codes help businesses, researchers, and government agencies to better understand and analyze economic activities. Let's dive into the Extended NAICS Code 518210-15.

Understanding NAICS Code 518210-15

NAICS Code 518210 falls under the Information sector and is specifically focused on services related to data processing, hosting, and other data-related activities. This code encompasses a broad spectrum of services, making it a critical classification for modern businesses that rely on data management and information technology infrastructure. NAICS Code 518210-15 is an extended NAICS code specifically covering Scanning Services, and in this instance, we will be focusing on a subset of NAICS Code 518210-15; Data Capture Imaging Services. Many companies who fall under this NAICS code, also tend to provide services under NAICS Code 518210-08, Data Processing Services and NAICS Code 518210-04, Computer Data Storage. The factor that determines which NAICS Code is attributed to these companies is which of these services is their primary service, and which is simply a follow-on service they choose to provide.


Extended NAICS Codes

Extended NAICS codes are an expansion of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, which are used to classify economic activities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. While standard NAICS codes use a 6-digit code system to classify establishments into industries, extended NAICS codes use an 8-digit code system for more specific classification. Extended NAICS codes provide a more detailed breakdown of industries and allow for a more precise categorization of businesses based on their production processes and activities. They are used in various applications, including data analysis, market research, and government reporting.


Data Capture Imaging Services

Data Capture Imaging Services refer to the process of capturing and converting data from physical documents into digital formats. This service involves using specialized equipment, such as scanners and optical character recognition (OCR) software, to convert printed or handwritten text, images, and other data into electronic files. Data Capture Imaging Services are essential for organizations that want to digitize their documents for easier storage, retrieval, and analysis. This service helps streamline document management processes, improve data accessibility, and reduce the need for physical storage space.


The Significance of NAICS Code 518210-15

Understanding NAICS Code 518210-15 is essential for various stakeholders:



For businesses in the data-driven era, this code is crucial for identifying service providers that specialize in any form of Scanning Services, which offer a range of services that include OCR, Indexing, Cloud Storage, Mass Document Conversion, and Document Management. These services are essential for businesses that require the ability to transfer analog or outdated forms of information into usable digital formats. This could include use by Document Management Companies, Law Firms, Achieves, Insurance Companies, Social Media Companies, and even Government Agencies.



Researchers and analysts use NAICS codes to study industry trends, conduct market research, and analyze economic data. NAICS Code 518210 helps them focus on the segment of the Information sector dedicated to data services, while the Extended NAICS Code 518210-15 allows them to narrow their research and trend analysis specifically to Scanning Services, and further to narrow it down to those companies that specialize in Data Capture Imaging Services.


Government Agencies

Government agencies use NAICS codes to collect and report economic data accurately. NAICS Code 518210-15 allows them to track and monitor the growth and health of the Scanning Service industry and related service industries, which include those companies who offer Data Capture Imaging Services.


Learn More About NAICS Codes

If you're interested in delving deeper into the specifics of NAICS Code 518210, you can find more information on the official NAICS Association website: NAICS Code 518210 and the Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC Codes) website for information on the Extended NAICS Code 518210-15.


Written by Geoff Weber

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